6 detox foods to get your diet back on track

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lemons and limes are loaded with antioxidants and can be great detox foods.

Lemons and limes are loaded with antioxidants and can be great detox foods.Credit: morguefile.com/hotblack, hotblack

If you're guilty of derailing your diet after a weekend of social events, a girl's night out or just taking some time off your diet, Monday may be your day to get your diet back on track. Certain foods can help to flush out toxins and ward off hunger pangs that are a result of overeating on sugars, unhealthy carbs and all sorts of junk food.

It might take a few days for your body to adjust back to a healthier diet regimen but you can speed up the process by being very selective about your food a few days after your major diet blunder. Keeping up with a cardio-focused exercise routine can also help to burn off those extra calories as quickly as possible.

Here are six detox foods that can help you get your diet back on track:

#1: Blueberries

Blueberries are very high in antioxidants and also contain fiber. Eating blueberries can help to keep your digestive system running at full speed and will also give your body some much-needed vitamins and minerals. Try a blueberry smoothie made with low-fat yogurt and other fruits to kick start your detox after a weekend of unhealthy eating.

#2: Spinach

Instead of making up a detox-friendly salad with mixed greens or romaine lettuce, use fresh spinach leaves as a base instead. Spinach leaves contain iron and are rich in minerals and antioxidants. They're also a good source of fiber, and can help to flush your system while replenishing your body with essential nutrients.

#3: Apples

A great addition to any detox diet, apple with the skin can provide you with a healthy dose of fiber, natural sugars and some essential minerals. Eat an apple with a healthy protein source like peanut butter or low-fat cottage cheese as a snack during the detox phase.

#4: Asparagus

Asparagus is a natural diuretic and can help to reduce bloating after a few days of overeating. Steamed asparagus can be added to a fresh salad or eaten as a healthy side to any of your dishes during the detox phase. Enjoy fresh asparagus that's been thoroughly washed with other veggies for a nutritious boost.

#5: Colorful Peppers

Green, red and yellow bell peppers are chock full of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, and can add a flavorful punch to your salads, sandwiches or wraps during your detox phase. They're also super low in calories and can make your meals that much more satisfying. Eat them fresh or throw them in a stir-fry to benefit from the detoxing effects of this vegetable.

#6: Lemons

You don't need to go on some crazy lemon juice diet to jump start the detoxification process, but you can take advantage of a lemon's natural detoxing benefits by drinking some lemon juice mixed with warm water first thing in the morning. Lemons are full of vitamin C and can be a great addition to your detox food menu.


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