Best Bodybuilding Exercises That You Have Never Even Heard Of Part 1

Thursday, August 4, 2011

When it comes down to popularity, everybody's favorite exercise seems to be the Bench Press. Visit any Bodybuilding Gym anywhere in the world and you will more often than not see a group of people clustered around a flat bench and Barbell.

This article bucks fashionable trends and instead focuses on one of the most overlooked – but best bodybuilding exercises ever invented.'The Olympic Hang Clean and Press.'

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Seriously Tough. Seriously Beneficial

The lists of muscle groups that this exercise stimulates are vast.It is a small wonder that many more people fail to utilize such an incredibly effective Training Technique.

Expect massive gains in muscle and strength from all of the following areas:

Traps,Deltoids RhomboidsLatsSpinal ErectorsBicepsForearmsTricepsGlutesHamsQuadriceps

The Olympic Hang Clean and Press – Back In Favor

If you want to get big and strong at the same time, then this is for you.Its fair to say that aside from dedicated strong men, the Clean and Press as it is alternatively known has, for some reason fallen out of favor with Bodybuilders in recent times.I'm here to put it back on the map.

ExecutionWhen performing this exercise, strict form must be employed throughout the entire movement in order to prevent injury.

What you will be doing is lifting a Barbell from the floor to shoulder level, rotating your arms so your palms are facing outwards and then pressing the bar upwards.

Pay careful attention to the following exercise guide and be sure to start with a very light weight, or just the bar until you are confident in both technique and implementation.

Make sure your back is straight and you are focused on a point directly in front of you at all times during this exercise.

Step 1. Grip a Barbell at 'bottom Squat' position with an overhand grip, shoulder width apart.

Step 2 Channeling power through your legs, drive the bar upwards keeping your arms straight and your Abs tight.

Step 3Rotate your arms so that your palms are now facing outwards and the Barbell is positioned underneath your chin at the top of your Chest.

Step 4 Drive the Bar upwards in a controlled pressing movement. At the same time you may wish to bring one of your feet forward to add further stabilizing support.

Step 5Bring the Bar back down to just above chest level and in a controlled manner, rotate your palms downwards before lowering the bar carefully to the ground.

Video Guide to maxewiii for producing this excellent instructional video.

To ConcludeThis exercise should be undertaken once per week in all circumstances.Start with the lightest weight possible and then build up once you have flawless form.



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