How to Fat-Proof Your Home

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Though you may not realize it, your home could be your biggest dieting derailment. And considering all the different temptations we're up against when we leave the house each day, that's the last thing we need. Below, learn how to make your living space a diet-friendly zone, with tips for setting up the dining room table, your closet and more.

In the Kitchen/Dining Room

Nix the tunes: Music may add atmosphere, but research published in the journal Appetite shows that it encourages people to linger longer at the table, which often leads to extra eating, says study author Nanette Stroebele, PhD. Other studies have found that fast and loud music is especially problematic because it makes you chew more quickly.

Keep the extras away: At meals, keep serving dishes several feet away from you (on an island or counter) and you could end up eating about 10 percent less, according to Cornell University research. The reason: If you have to get up for a second helping, you're less likely to bother. At the very least, you'll pause to consider how much you've already eaten.

Hang a mirror: People who chow down with a mirror in view eat smaller amounts of unhealthy foods than those who don't see their reflection, according to research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Seeing yourself makes you more self-aware, so it's harder to ignore that little voice inside your head that's saying you probably shouldn't finish that jumbo plate of pasta, says study coauthor Brad J. Bushman, PhD. Photo: Thinkstock

In the Bedroom

Rearrange your closet: Hang a piece of form-fitting clothing toward the front of your closet as a visual reminder of why you're being careful with your eating, says psychologist Judith S. Beck, PhD, author of The Beck Diet Solution. As you shed weight, get rid of clothes that become significantly too big. "Keeping your 'fat clothes' around is like telling yourself that you don't know if you'll be able to keep up your progress," which could lead to a backslide, says Dr. Beck.

Cool it: Getting enough sleep is crucial to staying at a healthy weight. In one study, people who slept for just 4 hours a night gained 3 pounds in 11 days. Researchers suspect that because they were up more, they ate more. Not getting enough sleep also disrupts hormones that regulate your hunger signals and metabolism. One easy tip for better rest: Turn down the thermostat. Keeping the room cool helps core body temperature drop. "This signals the release of melatonin, a hormone that's crucial for sleep," says Michael Breus, PhD, author of The Sleep Doctor's Diet PlanPhoto: Thinkstock

Toss your TV...or at least move it out of the bedroom: Research conducted by Suzanne Phelan, PhD, an associate professor at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, shows that people who lost weight (and kept it off for five years) had fewer TVs in their home than those who were overweight—probably because more TV sets means more time watching and less time being active. And sleep experts say that watching before bed stimulates your nervous system, making it harder to fall and stay asleep.

In the Family Room

Place exercise equipment in view: You'll be less likely to meld into the sofa cushions if there's some exercise equipment in sight, says Dr. Phelan, so get that treadmill out of the basement. No room (or don't own any big exercise equipment)? Free weights and resistance bands can easily fit into magazine racks or baskets. Squeeze in a set of biceps curls or triceps dips (use your sofa) during commercials. Photo: Thinkstock

Declutter: The tidier your home, the more likely you are to be physically active, according to research from Indiana University. One possible reason: Cleaning up burns calories. Clutter can also make it difficult to think clearly and focus—which means you're more likely to find yourself mindlessly munching in front of the TV, says Stacey Platt, author of What's a Disorganized Person to Do?

Stock up on TV alternatives: Active video games (like the Wii Fit Plus) or even old-fashioned games like Twister encourage everyone to get off the couch more often. And when you do tune in, consider keeping your hands busy (so you're not constantly snacking) by knitting or scrapbooking.


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