Running Hills: Go From No Way to Give Me More

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Source: Running Hills: Go From No Way to Give Me More

There's an enormous hill by my house that I used to pass by and shudder. That is, until I went on a run with my hill-loving neighbor. Hills are intimidating, but they really do make us better runners. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? Here are some tips to make hills feel easier so you can start incorporating them into your runs. 

When You're Not Running
 When you're not running, cross-train with other types of intense cardio to strengthen your heart. Mountain biking, hiking, walking with the treadmill's incline pumped up — all at a vigorous pace — will do the trick. At first, it will feel like it's impossible to catch your breath, but as your body gets used to the physical demands, you'll be able to get through an intense workout without feeling like you're going to pass out.

Strong legs are also important because they propel your body weight forward when you're running up a hill. When strength training, focus on moves that target your calves, shins, quads, hamstrings, and booty like balancing side leg lift squatreverse lungeSuperman booty liftscalf raises, and elbow plank with donkey kick

More From FitSugar: Yoga For Runners

During Your Run
 Strengthen legs, run faster, and increase endurance by incorporating sprinting intervals on flat surfaces. Ultimately, to make hills feel easier, you have to run up hills. Start off with slightly gradual inclines, and as these feel comfortable, start tackling steeper hills. When running up a hill, reduce your speed dramatically since this will help keep breath more even. Also concentrate on timing your inhales and exhalations with your stride. Added bonus: this will also give you something to focus on besides the fatigue you may be feeling.

Another trick is to keep your eye on the prize. I like looking ahead, slightly higher than eye level; it makes breathing easier and is excellent motivation since I see the progress I'm making. I tell myself I can do it, and use my arms to pump, which also gives me a little added push up the hill. Sharing the challenge with someone else doesn't hurt either. You're more likely to power through if a running buddy or your pooch is also giving it all they've got. If you need a little outside motivation, blare your favorite power song, and whether Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, or Christina Aguilera gets you up that hill, every time you make it to the top, it'll get easier. Pretty soon, all this hill training will change your tune so a run won't feel right without some steep inclines thrown in.


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