25 simple ways to get more steps in your day

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

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Getty Images

By Su Reid-St. John

So you've heard it a million times: Walk more! Aim for 10,000 steps a day! But taking the stairs instead of the elevator will only get you so far. Steal a few of these fresh tips to help you rack up your mileage. (Looking for a great way to track those steps? Click here.)

1. Pace the room while waiting at the doctor's office.

2. Grocery shopping? Make an extra tour around the perimeter aisles before checking out.

3. Use the restroom one floor down (or up) at work instead of heading for the one just down the hall.

4. Ditto with your coffee.

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5. Hide the remote so you have to actually get up to change the channel. Better yet, turn off the TV.

6. Instead of fighting other drivers for that single open spot near the door, do your blood pressure a favor and park several rows away.

7. Walk around the block while your kid is taking dance class/playing soccer/whatever.

8. Get off the bus or subway one stop early.

9. March in place while brushing your teeth (go ahead and shut the door first if you'd like).

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10. Going to the mailbox? Take a tour around the house first—then take the time to say hello to that chatty neighbor who flags you down.

11. Hoof it to the store when you're only buying a few easy-to-carry items.

12. Walk over to your coworker's desk instead of e-mailing her.

13. Make it a nightly habit to go for an after-dinner stroll with the family.

14. Early for an appointment? Walk around the block instead of adding to your interminable time in the waiting room.

15. Take a daily afternoon "brainstorming" walk.

16. Wander the room while chatting on the phone.

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17. Walk your child to school instead of waiting in the endless carpool line.

18. Instead of cooping yourself and your coworkers up in a stuffy conference room, make your next meeting a walking one.

19. Headed to the mall? Stroll the length of it once before you start buying—and scout the sales while you're at it.

20. Set the alarm on your computer to go off every hour or two, then take a quick tour around the floor (or even just a trip up and down the hall) when it does.

21. Next time you have to run a couple of errands, park midway between your destinations and walk to them both. In between, pause to leave the dry cleaning in the car before strolling over to pick up your best friend's birthday gift.

22. Leave the stilettos in the closet and charm your hubby (or boyfriend) into taking a moonlit walk after dinner at your favorite restaurant.

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23. Tell yourself that you're allergic to escalators and act accordingly.

24. Instead of getting together with the girls for a stay-put meal, plan an evening of window-shopping or an afternoon of new-neighborhood scouting.

25. Whenever possible (and safe), take the scenic route!


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