9 easy ways to boost your mood this week

Friday, September 9, 2011

A better mood could be as simple as catching some more zzz's.

A better mood could be as simple as catching some more zzz's.Credit: sxc.hu/nurcen, nurcen

When your motivation level is at an all-time low or you're just looking for a refreshing change of pace, it's time for a mood-boosting activity. Boredom, malaise and a depressed mood can take their toll on your mental and physical well-being. Worrying and fretting can leave you feeling more anxious and depressed than you need to be, and it can be hard to get out of that negative funk. Fortunately, there are dozens of ways to kick that bad mood to the curb and put you back on a positive rack.

Here are nine easy ways to boost your mood this week:

1. Vent. Get those negative emotions off our chest in a healthy way by talking to a close friend or writing in a journal. Expressing your feelings in a healthy way can help you get some perspective on a negative or difficult situation, and improve your mood.

2. Nosh on some mood-boosting foods. Walnuts, salmon, lentils and oatmeal are just a few foods that can boost your mood and ward off depression. Change up the menu this week to include a few of these tasty, and healthy, foods.

3. Hit the gym. Rev up your metabolism and sweat out some stress with a cardio session or weight training segment. Exercise releases endorphins, which can give your mood a boost.

4. Get more sleep. Lack of quality sleep could leave you feeling irritated and extremely tired all day, doing nothing for your mood. Get more zzz's and you'll feel much, much better.

5. Focus on the positive. This sounds like a cliche but it's a practice that can help you get out of a depressive funk and move on with your life. You don't have to be an extreme optimist to enjoy some mood-boosting benefits. Just look at the brighter side once in a while!

6. Get some sun. Vitamin D from sunlight plays an important role in regulating your mood, according to a research project by scientists at the University of Manchester. Results of the study show that participants with higher levels of vitamin D were more emotionally stable than those with lower levels of vitamin D. Sun nap, anyone?

7. Get some fresh air. More oxygen to the brain can help to clear your mind, focus and reduce stress. Head out for a brisk walk for a change of scenery and enjoy a mood boost in the process. The American Lung Association recommends supplemental oxygen for those who are coping with lung disease. If you don't have lung problems, a breath of fresh air could be all you need to feel better.

8. Watch your diet. In addition to adding some mood-boosting foods to your diet (see #2), make sure you're not skipping meals and letting yourself get too hungry. If your blood sugar levels are too low, you could be experiencing a low mood and fatigue. Eat small meals throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels in check.

9. Find something to smile about. Whether it's flipping through old scrapbooks or photo albums, or recalling a moment when you were truly, genuinely happy, take some time to smile about something, anything. Clark University psychologist James D. Laird insists that we can make ourselves happy just by smiling .Try it. You might just like it.


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