5 Decadent Snacks That are Healthier Than You Think

Monday, August 15, 2011

By Meaghan Cameron

Full-fat Cheese
Alan Aragon, the Men's Health Weight-Loss Coach, says his clients actually see a reduction in appetite when they mindfully eat flavorful varieties of cheese. The protein/fat combo plus truly unique flavors and an endless array of choices could really make full-fat cheese a dieter's best friend. Yes, seriously!

Here's more proof that Nature is perfect in her splendor:Chocolate may improve your workout. A study revealed that feeding chocolate to mice resulted in 50% greater stamina and greater muscle growth. Keep a few dark chocolate squares on hand pre-workout.

Roasted Peanuts
Eat some roasted peanuts the next time you are at the ballpark and skip the nitrate-loaded hot dog. The journal Food Chemistry discovered that well roasted peanuts are higher in antioxidants. However, as far as we know no study has showed similar results for Cracker Jacks or cotton candy.

Chocolate Milk

Even as schools in Los Angeles are banishing chocolate milk from their menus, Men's Health is touting its ability to build muscle and aid in workout recovery. The combination of protein, fat, carbs, and micronutrients is perfect for your body. Vitamin D helps shuttle the calcium needed by your body for weight loss into cells. In one study, stationary bike riders were able to pedal 49% longer after drinking chocolate milk versus a sports drink.

Red Wine
This happy hour staple and companion to delicious meals has long been considered relatively healthy in moderation. It contains resveratrol, which lowers cholesterol and protects the blood vessels. Now, a study from the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry draws a correlation between wine and sunburn protection. Researchers found that the flavonoids in wine help protect skin cells from sun damage.


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