8 Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

Thursday, August 25, 2011

According to the Mayo Clinic, nearly six million people in the United Stated have type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes but don't know it. Don't let yourself join that number! The sooner you learn that you have this chronic and potentially serious condition, the better your chances will be of living well and long with it. Here are the classic symptoms that could tip you off to the need for a check-up.

1. Excessive thirst Remember when we used to call this disease "the sugar diabetes"? That name came from the fact that excess glucose builds up in your blood. As a result, your kidneys go on overtime trying to absorb the extra sugar but when they can't, it's excreted along with precious fluids pulled from your tissues. That's why you're dehydrated. Many sufferers describe a truly unquenchable thirst.

2. Frequent urination As part of the same process that makes you thirsty, you'll urinate much more often than normal. The fluids that get drawn from your body as your kidneys struggle to take care of the sugar mean you'll have to make trips to the bathroom quite often. Also, you'll instinctively drink a lot of water to combat dehydration and that will add to your need to relieve yourself.  

3.Weight loss Being overweight is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, and unexplained weight loss can be a symptom. If you lose sugar, you shed calories as well. Also, diabetes can prevent sugar from getting to your cells where it's needed. You may be ravenous, yet your weight may drop even if you eat a lot. Your newly trim figure could bring on compliments, but don't let that distract you from the realization that something is wrong!

See Also: How To Lose Weight Easily. 

4. Blurry vision Some of the fluid you excrete gets pulled from the lenses in your eyes. You may have trouble focusing. Heed this signal immediately. Without treatment, you could end up with partial or even total vision loss.

5. Weakness and fatigue Most people say they feel as though they contracted a mild case of the flu. Dehydration and sugar loss both contribute to an overall malaise and a dip in your energy level.

6. Tingling or numbness in your hands and feet Nerve damage called neuropathy causes a burning or prickling sensation and eventually makes you lose feeling.  

7. Frequent infections that are slow to heal Research has not confirmed this indicator, but physicians and diabetics themselves often observe the phenomenon. The speculation is that diabetes weakens your immune system. Bladder and vaginal infections are the most common ones for women. Both men and women are prone to red, swollen, and tender gums.

8. Impotence Men with diabetes may experience erectile dysfunction. There can be other causes for ED but when it's teamed with any or all of the above clues, it can be a red flag.

If you heed the early alerts and start treatment right away, you'll be in a very good position to avoid the ravages that unchecked diabetes can bring. Denial isn't going to get you the help you need! Be honest with yourself and make that doctor's appointment now. Best case scenario would be that this was a false alarm. Or you'll find that your body was telling the truth, and you'll be very glad you listened!


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