How to prevent boredom at the gym

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The gym doesn't have to become boring.

The gym doesn't have to become boring.Credit: Wikimedia Commons,

A gym membership always sounds like such a great idea. After all, you'll have access to all the equipment you could possibly need. Unfortunately, boredom usually begins to set in after only a few months. Before you know it, you've stopped going to the gym completely and your membership has become a complete waste of money. It doesn't have to be this way. There are a number of easy ways to keep boredom at bay when visiting the gym.

Bring a Friend

One of the easiest ways to beat boredom is to bring a friend to the gym. Some gyms even offer discounts for signing up a friend. Best of all though, when you're laughing and chatting with a good girlfriend, you don't even notice all the hard work you're putting into burning calories because you're too busy having fun. When you're busy talking about the latest bestseller or blockbuster, it's hard to become bored with your workout routine. Not to mention, that when you make plans to meet your friend at the gym, you're less likely to skip your workout.

Select a New Piece of Equipment to Try

If you're stuck going it alone, switch up your routine by trying a new piece of equipment. Instead of walking on the treadmill, try the stair stepper. If you're used to working with dumbbells, try a weight bench. Just make sure you know how to use the equipment before you get started or you could seriously hurt yourself. Many gyms have attendants that are happy to help you learn the ins and outs of different machines.

Start a New Class

Classes are one of the best things gyms have going for them. Not only are classes usually upbeat, but it's a great way to meet new people while trying a new form of exercise. Whether you want to try spinning, pole dancing or Zumba, gyms offer a wide array of classes for every fitness level. If you're really serious about exercise, you may even want to train to become a class instructor.

Update Your Play List

Listening to the same songs day in and day out can get boring. Each week make a new play list that is filled with upbeat songs that will keep you going. Determine how long you want to workout and then choose enough songs to fill that gap. By choosing songs you love to hear, you'll be more apt to keep going so you can listen to the entire play list. Also be sure to include a couple songs to help you wind down before ending your workout.

Get a Trainer

Last, but not least, try getting a trainer. Some people find that they become bored because they don't feel challenged. The proper trainer will ensure that you're not only getting a workout that challenges you, but will find ways to keep the workout interesting.


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