Naked Yoga Allegedly Boosts Self-Confidence -- Would You Try It?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

OK, so apparently I'm the only one who thought naked yoga was something to be done in the privacy of one's own home — preferably in a dim-lit area void of mirrors, windows and nosy, sniffing dogs. But, according to a new report, "exposing" yourself to the benefits of this practice in a public class along with other sans-clothes enthusiasts is a growing trend.

I'm all for a little nakedness from time to time, but all of this brings up more questions than answers. Like, how exactly is one supposed to focus in class when you have someone else's asana all up in your space? Is that boob or butt supposed to be your new drishti? What happens during poses like wide-leg straddle, crow and half-moon when your lady parts are on full display? Won't men be wagging their dog all over the place? How are you supposed to react when the teacher comes up behind you to give you an assist during downward dog? Doesn't your mat get all kinds of  yuck on it? And, what's a girl supposed to do during that time of the month? See? Questions.

But according to some naked yoga aficionados, shedding one's clothes brings a new level of honesty and authenticity to the practice — something that can easily get lost in the fashion and branding surrounding yoga, Isis Phoenix, a yoga instructor at Naked Yoga NYC told MyHealthNewsDaily.

"A new reality is created in the first 15 minutes of class — a reality where people can be naked and practice yoga in the room, and it's OK. Nobody's going to point and laugh."


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