How to fit in a workout during the day

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stretch before and after intense exercise, and even on days you don't exercise at all to retain flexibility and joint range of motion.

Stretch before and after intense exercise, and even on days you don't exercise at all to retain flexibility and joint range of motion.Credit: Deborrah Cooper, IStockPhoto.Com

Admit it. You clicked this link because you are having some trouble managing your time and getting a workout in before the sun goes down. Whatever your reasoning for wanting to work out, the path to how to fit in a workout is an easier journey than you think. In fact, using the plan I developed for myself, you will even find yourself with several options in which to squeeze in fitness.

Monitor your energy levels

Some women are morning people. I am not one of those women. I'm more of a late-afternoon-early-evening woman. That's when I find my energy at its peak levels. When you exercise during times that your energy is high, you burn more calories and are more apt to push yourself harder during your workout. My advice is to take two or three days and log your energy levels at different points in the day. From here, you begin your plan development.

Write your own time sheet

Yes, it might sound a little ridiculous, but coming from someone who couldn't manage her time out of a paper sack with clearly labeled contents before having a time sheet, I promise you that it works. For two or three days, write down what you are doing every 15 minutes. Since I like spreadsheets, I made a spreadsheet for this. All of sudden, when you see how much time you are wasting doing unimportant tasks, talking on the phone, or checking your Facebook, you will see how much time you have to pencil in that workout and what time of day is best to do it.

Choose your weapon

You need to figure out a workout program that works for you; one that helps you reach personal goals and fits into your schedule. Personally, I'm the type of girl who gets results working out at home, using videos. I have used different programs like Slim in 6, Power 90 and P90X. If you are more of a gym-goer, then do some research into how much cardio versus weight training you need or find classes that interest you. A good rule of thumb to follow is that you need to exercise at least 200 minutes per week in order to get results. Once you figure out how much time your workout requires, it's easy to fit it in to the day.

Map out your schedule

By now, you're done making lists; except for this last one. You need to map out your schedule for the day. You can do this electronically, on your smart phone or using pen and paper; the method isn't the key. The commitment to putting a workout on your schedule makes it feel more like a task you have to complete before the day is over. It's easy to talk yourself out of working out when it's an option, but less easy when it's a requirement.

Of course, I could go on for days about how to manage your time better in order to schedule workouts for hours. If you aren't going to step up and make it a priority, you're not going to do it. You have to decide. You have to commit, and you have to make that mental change, before any physical change occurs. From there, it's a sweaty, fun, and fulfilling journey to being healthy.


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