Checkup: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Checkup: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Photo: © iStockphotos

Learn about this common condition that causes pain, numbness and weakness in the hand

Only people who work on computers all day get it, right?

Wrong. Anyone can get carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), a condition in which the tendons passing through the carpal tunnel—a narrow channel of ligament that leads from your wrist to your hand— become thickened and inflamed. This leads to pressure on a nerve, causing pain, numbness and weakness that affects the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers of the hand, says Heather Tick, MD, author of Life Beyond the Carpal Tunnel.

Using a computer day in, day out is just one of many possible factors that may increase your risk. People who frequently use tools that vibrate (like hair dryers or power tools) may be even more likely to develop CTS. Being pregnant or going through menopause can also increase the risk, because hormonal changes make the tendons and nerves more prone to becoming strained.

So how can I prevent it?

You might not be able to, but whenever possible don't hold your neck, shoulders or wrists in awkward positions for long periods. (This causes the muscles to become tight, which in turn pulls on the tendons and puts pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in your wrists.) When you're using a computer, for example, sit up straight, avoid leaning into the screen and keep your wrists relaxed but not bent. It's also a good idea to avoid eating too many simple carbs, like white rice and pasta, because they can increase inflammation throughout the body.

If I have CTS, will I have to wear a wrist splint?
Probably, but if your case isn't severe you may only need it to keep your wrist in a neutral position while you sleep (when pain and tingling are often worst). Your doctor may also suggest taking anti-inflammatory meds, like ibuprofen, and working on your posture and muscle strength with a physical therapist. Getting more omega- 3 fatty acids may help since they're anti-inflammatories. Surgery is a last resort; it's not always effective, and you'll need intensive physical therapy afterward.

Did you know?
• Repetitive motions, like knitting, may make CTS symptoms worse.
• Women are up to three times as likely as men to develop CTS.
• Acupuncture, physical therapy, and exercise like yoga and Pilates can help relieve the pain.


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