Checkup: Lyme Disease

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Checkup: Lyme Disease

Photo: © Shutterstock

When spending time outdoors, many of us worry about Lyme disease, and for good reason: Cases reported to the CDC have more than doubled in the past 15 years. Don't let these myths get in the way of protecting yourself.

Myth #1: A bull's-eye rash is the telltale sign

Reality: Only half of the people who get Lyme disease—transmitted by infected ticks— develop a bull's-eye rash around the tick bite. And the rash doesn't always come out right away; it can take up to four weeks post-bite to appear. If you develop any kind of rash or flu-like symptoms that don't disappear after a few days, talk to your doctor. Even if there's no rash, also get checked for Lyme if you're feeling dizzy, or have tingling, neck stiffness, and aches and pains that come and go.

Myth #2: Only hikers have to worry about it

Reality: Yes, you're at risk in the woods, but you can get Lyme disease in your own backyard or anywhere tick-carrying deer and mice are. Ticks mostly hang out in tall grasses and piles of leaves, so keep your yard tidy. After spending time in possible tick territory, examine your clothes and body. Don't forget to check your scalp, neck, navel, groin, armpits and behind your knees. Remember to check pets, too.

Myth #3: It's easily diagnosed with a blood test

Reality: You can test negative even if you do have Lyme disease. Another problem: Many labs check for just one of the many strains that can cause Lyme, and there are different ways to interpret test results. That's why a growing number of doctors will diagnose it based on symptoms, even if a test is negative. It's also why people are often misdiagnosed with arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome. If you suspect Lyme but your doctor doesn't agree, get a second opinion. Find a specialist at

Myth #4: Antibiotics will cure it

Reality: A two- to four-week course of antibiotics usually gets rid of Lyme, but treatment works best if it's started within a few weeks after infection. Otherwise, you can develop chronic joint pain and central nervous system problems like headaches, fatigue and memory trouble.

Did You Know?

1. Wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants while gardening to reduce the risk of tick bites.

2. Found a tick? Use tweezers to pull it straight up and out.

3. Lyme disease is most prevalent in the northeast and north central states.


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