No Gym? No Problem! 5 Fun Ways To Get In Shape Outdoors

Thursday, August 11, 2011

During the summer months, it's too hot to be stuck inside on the treadmill! If you're searching for new ways to get fit and have fun, we have five outdoor workouts you just have to try!

1. Beach volleyball: You'll get "sand legs" and a full-body workout that will keep you looking (and feeling) hot in your bikini all summer. "The sand targets muscles you didn't think you had. You're working twice as hard to move," says Jess Gysin, professional beach volleyball player. The short burst of energy and lateral jumps and moves "target every single muscle," Gysin says. "It is definitely a full-body workout."

2. Octopush: This underwater version of hockey is played wearing a diving mask, snorkel, and fins. The six-on-six match's objective is similar to regular hockey—score in the opponent's goal. You'll get a toned swimmer's bod and burn calories with the fast-paced movements in octopush. Add competition to any backyard pool party with this unique sport or search for local leagues if you're looking for more serious play.

RELATED: 29 Ways To Shed Pounds At The Park

3. Surfing: Ever wonder why surfer's seem to have the best bods? Now is the time to find out. Work your arms and core in the water with this summer workout that will keep you cool and fit. You'll burn nearly 208 calories an hour as you balance your way to flat abs. Book a lesson on your next summer vacation or invest in a board if you're near the beach!

4. Quidditch: Let your imagination and legs run wild with this trendy Harry Potter-inspired game.Quidditch is played competitively at more than 300 colleges worldwide and in recreational leagues across the nation. You don't have to be an experienced athlete for this new sport. "My team had varying fitness levels and some people who had never played a sport," says Jared Rohrer, a personal trainer and quidditch player in New York City. "Some could barely run 50 feet without running out of breath. Now they can run a whole mile," he says.

RELATED: Hike Your Way To A Better Body

5. Flag football: If you struggle to stick with your workout routine, a team sport like flag football might be just the push you need to stay fit. "One of the best things about joining a recreational flag football league is the support of a group! If you know your team is counting on you for a game, you are more likely to show up and participate," fitness expert and SHAPE Sexy Summer Legs Challenge coach Jessica Smith says. What's more motivating than having fun with your friends?


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