5 Easy Ways To Tone Up At The Beach

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The days are getting slightly cooler, the sun's not shining quite as bright...yup, summer is slowly winding down! But don't worry, there's still time to hit the beach! Next time you're there, why don't you try these five moves to tone up and get fit?

1. Sand sprints: Warm up by running a few laps up and down in the sand. When you're ready, mark off a distance by using two landmarks or by drawing a line in the sand. Sprint from one to the next—aim to have each sprint last 12-30 seconds, with a ten-second rest between each one. The resistance from the sand makes these so much harder than regular sprints so you'll feel them quickly.

Tip: Running barefoot is a lot different than running with shoes on. Focus on not striking with your heel first.

2. Glute bridge on ball with leg lift: I've never met a curl machine that worked my hamstrings and butt better than this move! Lay on your back with your ball under your heels. Lift your butt as high as you can and pull the ball in towards you. Without dropping your hips, raise one leg. Roll the ball back out and back in with leg still extended.

Tip: Too tough? Keep both heels on the ball.

RELATED: 20 Tips To Get Toned Arms Faster

3. Water run: Not just for Baywatch babes anymore! Water jogging or running not only keeps you cool but the water adds extra resistance, making you work harder. The deeper you go, the harder it will be.

Tip: Keep good form and stay alert so you don't trip over seaweed, rocks or small children. Red tank swimsuit optional.

RELATED: 25 Fat-Burning Outdoor Workouts

4. Towel hops in sand: Roll your towel and lay it on the sand. Keeping your feet together, hop side to side over the towel. When you reach the end, go backwards. This not only gets your heart rate up, but the sand makes your legs work extra hard in this plyometric move.

Tip: Lay your towel flat for a real challenge.

5. Ball slam with catch: Hold a ball over your head (a playground type ball works best, but you can do it with a beach ball) and throw it as hard as you can at the ground. Catch it before it bounces again. Unless you have perfect aim, you'll be running all over the place and that's half the fun!


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