Are you a Sunday night insomniac?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

If you're a member of the Sunday Night Awake Club, you're in good company. A recent study shows 60% of workers have their worst night's sleep on a Sunday. Over a quarter admitted they're so wiped out come Monday morning they throw a sickie. So, to keep the boss happy, we've uncovered five tips to help you nod off...

Reset your body clock
Going to bed later on Fridays and Saturdays, plus long lie-ins alters our working-week body clock. Sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley, from the Norfolk And Norwich University Hospital, says, "Our bodies crave routine. Try to get up a bit earlier on Sunday and avoid napping."

Eat early
A late dinner is sleep's worst enemy. Try to eat early afternoon and allow at least four hours from your last mouthful to the moment you hit the pillow. Not giving your body time to digest a calorific meal makes it harder to sleep because your body isn't given the chance to cool down, leaving you hot, restless and fidgety.

Avoid alcohol
Contrary to popular belief, alcohol doesn't help you sleep. It may make you drop off, but not for long, says Dr Irshaad Ebrahim, medical director of the London Sleep Centre. "Alcohol is like an anaesthetic so after a few hours, when the alcohol metabolises out of your system, you wake up." And, if you drink on Friday and Saturday night, by Sunday your body will suffer a withdrawal, which increases anxiety and adrenalin. Try to avoid alcohol altogether on Sunday, as it raises your body temperature and increases your heart rate.

Exercise - gently
To sleep well, your body needs to be tired. So, instead of vegging out in front of the TV, take a short stroll or a bike ride mid-afternoon. Light exercise will also help you sweat out any alcohol left in your system. It might seem grim but, sleep wise, it's a very good idea. 

Detox your mind
Whether you're worrying about your mile-long to-do list or fretting about redundancies, a racing mind is the main thing that stops us nodding off. Talk through any troubles a couple of hours before bed or write a 'worry list' so it's all down in black and white, freeing you up to sleep. Swap stimulating TV for light reading, and you'll be asleep in no time.


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